Let down again by news media
Well, after being slightly excited by the idea if having a segement on FM on the news tonight, it let me down by being sucky. It was so bad, that I wrote the TV station. Here is the letter.
I would just like to comment on the segement you did on the ingredient in cough medicine Dextromethorphan and its help in decreasing the pain of Fibromyalgia. As someone who suffers from this illness, what your story did was a disservice to people who have Fibromyalgia, who are 6 to 10 million strong. Dextromethorphan in cough medicine is dangerous to take because of all the other ingridents in the medicine to help with coughs. There is only ONE study that backs up this result and you didn't even talk to any Fibromyalgia specialists, who live in Massachusetts. Dr. Don L Goldenberg at Newton-Wellsley Hospital is the major specialist on Fibromyalgia in this area and you did even talk to him about this study. Another ingredient in cold medicine, Guaifenesin has also been studied as a help for people with this illness, which is the brainchild of Dr. Robert Bennett in Oregon, which wasn't even mentioned. Needless to say, your story did not even mention enough information to even give people warning that they have to change their way of life for these two meds to even work properly. For example, Guaifenesin therapy people must stay away from all products with salicylates for it to work properly and there is quite a list of these things to stay away from. Most doctors don't even know much about Fibromyalgia to even give proper dosages to sufferers of these meds to work in the way it should for us sufferers.
Now you will have all these people running to their doctors asking about cough medicine and Fibromyalgia.
I have been suffering with this illness for officially 5 years now and not even narcotic meds will help the pain of this illness.
Please in the future, do more research for your stories that have very controversial outcomes. I am a fan of your news shows and am very disappointed in how this story was treated.
While I am pleased that Fibromyalgia was even mentioned at all in a news segement, more research must be done before you just throw out this information with little backing.
At least at the end of the segment, you mentioned talking to your doctor first before starting on this therapy.
Please take this information to heart, since so much erroneous information is out there about Fibromyalgia, people just take anything to take away the pain. These people could hurt themselves or make themselves worse.
Thank you for the mention in your news but no thank you for the quick mention of the medicine and its lack of possible bad side effects.
It shouldn't have surprised me, but it did. Let down by the media again.
Wendy- I changed my e-mail address for this blogging thing. Please make note of it as I am going to be the only one with access to it. I will no longer be using the one you had. Let me know when you get this message. Thanks!
Got it! Sent you an email!
Thanks Amber.
Thanks Wendy. I am home ill today again with an infected salivary gland. How's that for origional? It's friggin painful and Dr. called in Ultram for me. Also known as Toradol. Sent hubby out to get us lunch to bring in and he insisted on going where HE wanted food from. What a pecker head. Whatever, enough with the whinning huh?! Gonna go lay down. Hope the psych appt. helps Wendy.
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