Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Well, I made it through!

Well, here I am back from my CT Angiogram. Not a bad test as tests go. The nurses were great and even let me see my pictures! I didn't know what I was looking at until the nurse pointed them out to me, but hey they thought it was pretty cool of me to want to see them. I guess they just deal with the in and out paitents who complain all the time. I also asked if the nurse could be my IV/blood test nurse all the time. She was awsome! That is saying something for someone who has FM like I do.
The weirdest part was when the dye went into the IV. Now I read about the warming you feel when when it is put in and they warned me too (twice) but I didn't expect my entire body to feel flushed. It wasn't uncomfortable but just a strange feeling for a minute. They also warned me that women usually feel like they have to go to the bathroom at the same time but that is normal too. Yup, you guessed it, that happened too. Needing to pee Wakka-wakka all the time is nothing new for me. I always gotta go. Also the machine (AKA metal donut) talks to you. It tells you when to hold your breath and when to breathe normally. I was expecting the nurses to talk through a microphone. I guess that is a thing of the past.
I have to wait a couple of days for the results but I am not worried...then again, I had no clue if what I was seeing on the screen was normal or not. Googly Eyes
So that is the update......I guess we wait until Friday. Can I wait that long??? Patience is not my strong suit. Waiting
Thank you those of you who took the time to write and wish me well. It was and is truly appriciated. It is amazing what the internet has done for people and communication, in a positive way, regardless of what people say about how it is isolating people.

I will let you all know as soon as I know!

Thanks again for your support!


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