Sunday, September 04, 2005

Happy Holiday Weekend Everyone!

Well, I am still hurting from the Pain Clinic visit but I am living with it, by staying in bed most of the day.
I am worrying now about my trigger point injections on Wednesday. Never had them so I have no clue what to expect. Don't think I will be skipping and jumping for joy when I leave but I want to be prepared at home with the things I need so I won't have to go out and do anything that day since Todd will be working. I have also had a death in the family, one of our tortoises died. I found him dead when I went to feed him yesterday. He was a quiet one so to see him asleep in his favorite corner didn't bother me at all. but when I when to feed him and move him to the food, there was just no life in him. It was very sad. His name was Max and one of my favorites.
I have also made my appointment for that IV drug test outpatient thing to see what level of med will work for me. I forget the name of the darn thing now. So it is in about two weeks.
That is all that is happening in this part of the world. I hope you are all having a great Labor Day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

TypePad spam defences breached.
Threadwatch reports that trackback spammers have found a way of getting past the protection provided to users of Six Apart's paid blogging servce TypePad, with well known blogger Seth Godin being targeted.
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Sunday, September 04, 2005 10:08:00 AM  

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