Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Well, finally that time of year again.....

is ALMOST OVER!!!!!!
UGH! I try and make the doings of each holiday as stress free as possible but it seems each year I want to do less and less. Either I am getting more lazy or all this medication I am on is really making me drag my behind.
I used to go all out for the holidays. Making food for 8 people, presents, cards, tree...yada, yada, yada. Now it is just my husband and I and I barely want to do that.
Luckily the grocery stores are catering to the lazy and people like myself. Pre-cooked this, pre-made that.....its like a cornacopia of pre-packaging! Gotta love it! Hey for people with CP, it is just perfect.
So, who cares if you didn't make it from scratch, who will know if you don't tell them????
Have a great holiday....whichever you observe!


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