Thursday, July 07, 2005

The day after my mental purge

Well, I just read what I posted yesterday and boy I needed to get some things out didn't I? Happy
Yesterday was a rough day for me. I again was taken for a ride by another con-game.....fool me once shame on you....fool me twice shame on me. This time it is for big money. I won't say how much but this time is triple digits. I have started the process for an affidavit of fraud at my bank against these people so I can get my money back but my car payment has now put me in the negative at the bank and I hope that nothing happens with the car....the loan company is very strict and I called them yesterday telling them the story but what can they do? At least they know ahead of time if something happens. I am prone to anxiety attacks as it is, but boy this does make it worse. I guess I will just have to wait and see.
Right now there are bigger things in this world that are happening. This morning as I woke up I woke to UK PM Tony Blair talking about the bombings in London. Why am I not suprised? And why am I not suprised that an underground Al-Quaeda group is taken responsibility. This war is sapping every piece of karmic energy in this world. The good has to be somewhere. Doesn't it? Ponder


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