Wednesday, August 03, 2005

After a step away from the TV segment...

and a little more clarity. I am glad that they did the story on FM (AKA Fibromyalgia) but it was way too short. I still haven't heard from the TV station and I don't expect to because the letter was rather scathing. Hey if they are going to do a story on a controversial illness they better have their ducks in a row and speak to as many people who KNOW about FM in the area as possible, not just a patient. The patient they interviewed could have been me, but no true specialist on FM, which is readily available in this area. We have one of the best Dr. Don L. Goldenberg, who is a commrade of Dr. Russell in Texas, Dr. Clauw in Maryland and Dr. Bennett in Oregon. If he would know about the ins and outs of this study, he would. They didn't even talk to him. That highly annoyed me. At least talk to a person who knows of which he speaks. Luckily I have a therapy appointment this morning so I can talk this anger thing out about the TV coverage. It really is bugging me along with the negative CT scan....basically I am "normal". Todd is taking me out to dinner after he gets home from work tonight because I am so down about the CT scan. I wish they would find something...there has to be a reason why I feel so crappy all the time, beyond the FM. I can just feel it something is different than that FM feeling. When you know you know....I call that a niggle.
I would like to send a message to a frequent reader of my blog Amber....I know her mom has FM as well as other painful illnesses, please send her my love and I hope she gets to feel better soon. My heart goes out to her. Heart Glasses

Update 4:05PM Still no reaction from the news station.....not that I expected any but one would have been nice.


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