Monday, January 09, 2006

The virtues of Lidoderm Patches

This is one of those medications that I feel are under used. Just recently I started the patches. Basically I wear the patch at night anywhere I want for 12 hours and change it the next night depending on where I hurt most. My major question is why wasn't I given this medciation sooner? I have been given anything and everything under the sun from Tylenol #3 to Duragesic Patches and none of them worked for me. How could my doctors skip over something that is so easy to use and is NOT a narcotic????
Ever since I have been going to my Pain Management doc, I have been given medications that my doctors in the past could have given me, but I was given meds that messed me up physically and emotionally instead. Basically, what my pain doc has done is given me meds that are body wide that work like lidocaine. While it is true, I am NOT pain free, I function better than I have in a while. I can actually do a sink of dishes without my lower back killing my after 20 minutes. A BIG step for me.
So basically my question is, why do doctors go for the hurtful meds first instead of meds that are easier on the body and the patient? Why do I have to go to a specialist for this to happen?
Just a couple of questions to throw you guys out there.


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