Saturday, June 11, 2005

Good Morning Everyone!

For the first day since I started this Blog, I can honestly say that beyond my computer wanting to fight me this morning, not much is going on.
My hip, is still bugging me but I can keep movement at a minimum until Monday when I see my Rheumy finally after he so RUDELY cancelled my appointment 2 hours before I was supposed to have it on Thursday. Annoyed And Disappointed
Well, beyond that, I got a letter from the AG's office in Ohio stating that I should be receiving a refund from that company I have been fighting, but I will believe that when I see it. The woman who was handling my case emailed me and asked me to let her know when I get my refund. Why do I have this funny feeling that it won't be as easy as that and I will be going back to fighting them. Hmm
Life today is as a Saturday should from stressors and just to have the ability to do whatever you may need to do. Then again, the mail hasn't shown up yet and the phone hasn't rung yet today so who knows could happen.
After the week I have had, don't blame me for being a little pessimistic.
I am feeling a little fibro-foggy today and in my own little world. Not quite feeling good but not quite feeling bad either. Does that make sense?
Sounds like a bed day or a couch day to me! Couch Potato


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