Thursday, June 09, 2005

The worth of a good chiro!

After getting my appointment for my rheumy cancelled, I immediated called my chiro, who I haven't seen in years to see what he could do for me. It seems that while working out on the stair climber, my S-I joint slipped causing pain. Once he made some quick and small adjustments, my hip feels much better. I walk much better and the pain is almost non-existent.
Funny part is when I got home, I went right to bed and slept about 2 or 3 hours cold! Tired It suprised the daylights out of me! That is for sure. As for the rheumy, I have an appointment with him on Monday....I just hope that my Cymbalta (which I can't afford to buy and need samples) will be available. I just hope that the adjustment doesn't cause me much pain overnight. I will be seeing him again tomorow so we will see if my body held the adjustment. Luckily I am on Medicare and Medex (supplimental insurance) so I don't have to pay a dime for the appointments, so I can go as much as I need to.
Okay on to what you all have been waiting for.....the daily update on my fight with the BIG MACHINE! Well, my rep at the AG's office emailed me today letting me know that she got my message about being unable to contact the offices of this company and the email that I posted last night. It seems that she is also unable to contact these people as well. Hmmmm, interesting. I don't think that avoiding the AG's office is such a hot idea, do you all?
Well, considering the last few days, life has been uneventful today. I am sure something will get me up in the middle of the night and I will be writing by my bare lightbulb again! Laugh


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