Today yet another doctor's appointment
Well, I am seeing my internist who is my General Practitioner today. After seeing my Rheumy what seems like 5 million times

I am also telling him I stopping the Cymbalta and the Neurontin because I can't afford it and I don't think they are controlling my pain at all. I know that my doc doesn't want to give me pain killers because he sees them as the end of the line, almost like a failure on his part.
I know I may have to fight for some pain control that I need. I am just so tired of fighting

Nothing seems to be working anymore. I need something stronger to help my pain. I hope that he will listen to me and be the "advocate" that he said he would be when I first saw him.
This whole post could be the withdrawl from the Cymbalta/Neurontin talking, the tiredness talking, the pain talking. Who knows. All I know is what my doctors are doing isn't helping me and I am hurting and I need their help. I guess the big question will be will he listen and help me? I will come back later today and update the Blog about my appointment....that will be later this afternoon.
Wish me luck!

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