Saturday, September 17, 2005

The day after.....

Well, I made it through the testing. Acutally I made it through the check in process, which took longer than the testing itself!
What basically happened was I was given an IV (in the hand when I asked them not to!) and they put me in a Day Surgery OR and dripped Xylocaine into the drip. According to how I was feeling, the doc adjusted the amount of the drip. The only major side effect I had was my tongue went numb a couple of times and when I mentioned this, he slowed the drip. The pain level went from my normal 3 down to about a 1.5. Which is a major drop for me since 3 is a daily level. I did feel a little light-headed at one point and the drip was slowed again. In about 25 minutes, the test was all over. Once the Xylocaine was taken off the drip, it quickly left my system. Within 10 minutes all effects from the med was gone! GONE!! Since that was the case, they said I could go home right then and there, as soon as I got dressed.
He didn't tell me what the results of the testing were (either good or bad) but said when I saw him on Wednesday for my next round of Trigger Point Injections (TPIs) we would discuss what my options were for medication. Wish me luck with that appointment!
That is all for now! I hope you are all doing well.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Back from TPI appointment

Well my backside feels like a pin cushion, but the novacaine hasn't worn off yet so I don't know how this set will feel later on. I am trying to stay off my left side but I can feel it now and again.
Next week, I go back for my left shoulder. Oh happy day!
Just wanted to check in and let you all know that this set wasn't as bad as the shoulder but then again, with shots in the backside, there is more meat there and will take a while for the pain to set in.
Wish me luck tomorrow.

Part 2 of the Trigger Point Injections

Well, today is part 2 of the injections. They called this morning and moved up my appointment by 2 hours. Yikes! I had planned to do some errands and chores before my appointment but I guess that won't happen. Today they do my left hip and maybe more but I am not sure yet. It depends on what the doc decides. On Friday I have that big Outpatient test for the heart nerve drug so its a busy week for me Pain Clinic wise.
I will try and update as soon as I can.
Thanks for the support through the first one everybody.