Friday, December 09, 2005

The don'ts of CP

Okay here are the major don'ts of being a CPer!

1) Don't forget to take your meds! Even if you have to break down and get a pill organizer. I forget did to take my nightly meds a couple of days ago and didn't realize it. On top of that I HAVE a pill organizer! I spent all day yesterday in a whirl of a mess trying to fight back from it.

2) Don't push yourself during the holidays. If you can't do it, don't! JUST SAY NO!

3) Don't force family or friends to understand the logics of being a CPer. Some won't get it, some will. I tried to get into contact with my sister after two years or so and I haven't heard from her yet. I was taking meds that changed my moods and personality and I am sad that she may not forgive what I said and did during that time, but I do understand and I can say that I tried.

4) Don't think that little things mean nothing. If something is bothering you either physically or mentally tell your appropriate doctors. They are there to help you and they can't if they don't have all the information.

5) Don't NOT enjoy the holidays! Enjoy them the best you can to your ability. If all you can do is a 10 minute family visit, do that. If all you can do is just have an intimate Christmas dinner with you and your close loved ones then do just that. Enjoy it the way you want to....even its just watching A Charlie Brown Christmas or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. DO IT!

6) Please don't let anyone get you down about your situation. If they make you cry, cry and let it go. They aren't in your shoes and don't understand. Just let it go like water off a duck's back. If they would say something like that to you, they don't deserve to be your friend anyway. If its family....take a break from them. I have had to do that and my mental health has been the best it has been in years.

CPers are a special group of people. It takes a person of special strength and presence of mind. We are of one mind. We understand each other. Reach out to others like yourselves. Find support groups in person or online to help you with your issues. Usually they have had similar siutations happen to them and can offer support and advice to help you.

I wish you all well.