Well, as I try to get some sleep tonight I just feel the overwhelming urge of doom.
I still have no results from my CT on Wednesday and not that it bugs me, but I just want to know. Do I have a vascular problem or not? Just tell me. Either way I will be happy I want an answer. Hopefully I will get a call tomorrow from the doctor and get my answer.
I just feel so helpless, waiting for this result. Silly isn't it? It is just a test, a rather simple one at that. Pacing will just wear a hole in the rugs so that is pointless. Being angry is just wasted energy that could be put to better use. So waiting is my only option. I have already called the doctor's office and no answer back yet so I don't want to be a pest. So I will kindly sit on my hands and wait. Which I have said before is not my best quality.
I feel useless, I can't exercise just in case something is wrong but sitting on my keister doesn't do me any good either. UGH! I wish they would just tell me.
Since I haven't heard anything the mind begins to wonder. It is something super serious? Just nothing? The stress is really getting to me.
I just want to go back to 6 years ago when nothing was wrong and I was healthy as I could be at 27 years old. Now I feel over 40. Even those "Real Age" tests tell me I have the health of a 43 year old. (I'm 33 by the way)
I feel torn. I want them to find something and on the other hand I want the test to be negative. Any answer would satisfy me at this point.
I feel useless, the laundry I did was not because of me, but because of my husband who needs his dress clothes for work. When is it my turn? When can I be put out front? I try to do that for myself but it seems to be put on the backburner everytime. Just a giving type of gal I guess.
This negative thinking is not good for me and I know that but I don't feel "human" anymore. I feel like a blob, streched this way and that. Here take this pill, take that pill, do this exercise, that exercise. Sleep is my only refuge and I want to do it all the time now.
I prevents me from thinking so much. Is there a middle ground for chronic illness? Does anyone know? I haven't found it yet. Send me a message if you have an idea. I try to find a hobby, but most use my hands and they don't work the best. I only have so much money so that cuts so many other things out. So what do I do, I emotional eat and sit and watch TV or putter around the computer all day. Not much of a life and on top of waiting for test results its torture.
I have an appointment with my Psych NP this week and will talk to her about that .
Normalcy.......something that used to be so oh common place is now something to strive for and will probably never have again. I have come to the realization that I may never work in a company ever again but what will I do with all this free time I have now that Todd works 8 hours a day plus some days. I am alone
When we are a little financially stable, I want to go to my favorite place in the world, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and sit in what I call the Budda Room. They have a room with different size Budda statues and it is off the beaten path. It is so peaceful there. I just sit and think and try and figure things out. Sometimes I cry or get a little misty but I guess that is what Budda can do for ya.
I need an outlet....I just don't know what that is yet. I have so many roadblocks in my way it seems. I feel overwhelmed most days and when I HAVE to do something it is a real push to do it, like going to the laudromat today to do laundry. I am out cold for hours after and may still be tomorrow.
Like I said hobby I need a hobby. I guess this Blog is a hobby to a degree, but it only can do so much.
I guess I just feel very low right now...nothing seems to fit. Or I don't seem to fit it.
Well, I am feeling a little sleepy so I will try and get some rest. I hope it comes soon since it is the only peace I seem to get lately.
I hope all of you are doing well and please feel free to post comments at any time....good or bad. You may see what I can't see.
I wish you all happy dreams!