Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sorry it has been so long!

I apologize for not keeping up this blog, but the new medication I have been on the past month has really knocked me on my backside. All I want to do is stare at a TV all day and I must nap at least once a day if not twice. On top of that I sleep like the dead at night. I think this is the most sleep I have had in years!
Today I had my trigger points shots and boy he hit the right spots! He told me that I can't have the cortisone in my shots for a while but I can have the numbing medicine if I want for a month. I figure something is better than nothing. On top of that, he wants me to go to physical therapy again. This will be my third time going. I am not sure how much it will do for me. The last two times it caused me more pain or didn't do diddly squat. So I am torn as to whether or not to go. I am afraid if I don't go, my pain management doc will drop me or think of me as a difficult patient. So I guess I go again.....