Saturday, August 13, 2005

Left to my own devices

Well, Todd is off to his friend's house in CT this afternoon and won't be back until tomorrow. So I am very lonely. After last weekend's confrontation, I didn't have the heart to say he shouldn't go to see his friend. I know that he has every right to go and visit but the drive is over an hour and its not like he is down the street. Besides, I get nervous at night when he is not home. Hopefully I will have good pain and sleep control with my meds. I am going to need them big time.
Now I guess you are all wondering why I didn't go. Well, his friend isn't with his wife anymore and is going through a divorce, so I would be the girly third wheel holding back their manly fun. Besides they would want to go out and I am usually not feeling well enough to stay out all hours of the night. Never really was I guess.
Yup you guessed it I am having a "whoa is me" moment. I am sitting here watching Troy and with no one to talk to. So since I haven't written in my blog lately, I thought I would write my frustrations out here. Its better than getting into another spat with my husband.
I don't know what I want. I don't want to hog-tie my husband down but I don't want to be alone all the time either. Is there an in-between? I can't see one.
This is so stupid......I feel like I should know better than this. Why is this such a problem for me lately? I don't get it. I have a sink full of dishes with my name on it but I don't feel like doing them. Maybe tomorrow. ARGH! Why do I feel like this? I don't get it! I am smarter than this. Or I should be smarter than this.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Posting early today.....for good reasons

Well, I am still in craptown with pain, which is why I am up and awake. Slaving away at the computer. Another reason is that my husband, Todd, has decided to call into work for today and have a mental health day as we call it around here. So that means he will be bogarting the computer most of the day. Luckily I still feel bad because of the barometric pressure so I will be in bed watching TV. Luckily we have a TV in both rooms and we can watch what we want. I just hope something decent is on and not crap.
So, I thought I would check in with you all and let you know that the pain is still in control. Luckily in the midst of this pain my long term disability company called and I sounded a mess and gave her all the answers to keep me on disability for at least another year or so. They like to call every once in a while so that they are getting their money's worth. Pissed I am lucky that I get it at all but I hate all the intrusions in my life like they don't believe me. Hell, Social Security believes me and they won't bug me for another year or so. So, why can't they?
Anyway that is the story for today children. Tune in for another one tomorrow. Waving

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Well, I knew it would happen.....

All that activity on Monday has finally caught up with me so today is a bed day. And I had such a good day yesterday and Monday too. Darn it! Darn So today's post will be short. Nothing much going on but luckily I have my meds that came via UPS to rely on today so I can get some relief. CP is such a drag man. Thumbs Down Can't tell one day from the next anymore. Just a slight dip or rise in temp or barometric pressure sends me into a tailspin. YUCK!
So today is the I don't deal well with my CP. I hope you all have a good day.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

An unusual good day....for once

Well eventhough the humidity has been killing me I was a very productive person yesterday. Eyes Poppin Yeah....It suprises me too. I didn't feel like I did too much yesterday but looking back in general on yesterday I realized how much I did do.
I started off by doing the laundry. Only took an hour of my time, no biggie. I didn't fold the clothes when I got home. They just sat on the bed waiting for me to do it. Then I did the dishes, which by far is something that is very hard for me because of the amount of time I have to stand at the sink. Very painful. Feeling Blue Well I made it thought that and after all that work.....I actually made dinner!!!!! Yeah a real dinner. Oven baked pork chops with olive oil and mesquite seasonings and baked potatoes. Rather yummy! Flippy Even after that, when Todd came home from work we went out to the grocery store and got some odds and ends. So looking back a rather productive day. Wakka Wakka

Monday, August 08, 2005

Passing on information

For those of you who either do not have health insurance or perscription insurance here are a couple of websites that might come in handy for you. They are discount cards one can be used at a ton pharmacies that website is The other is a program done by a bunch of makers of meds called Together Rx. I think their website is I hope these help some of you.
I am feeling well today though I am battling a recurring migraine that keeps coming back if I don't stay on top of it. So this is more of an informative post rather than a CP post of the day.
I hope you all can use the info.