Saturday, June 11, 2005

Good Morning Everyone!

For the first day since I started this Blog, I can honestly say that beyond my computer wanting to fight me this morning, not much is going on.
My hip, is still bugging me but I can keep movement at a minimum until Monday when I see my Rheumy finally after he so RUDELY cancelled my appointment 2 hours before I was supposed to have it on Thursday. Annoyed And Disappointed
Well, beyond that, I got a letter from the AG's office in Ohio stating that I should be receiving a refund from that company I have been fighting, but I will believe that when I see it. The woman who was handling my case emailed me and asked me to let her know when I get my refund. Why do I have this funny feeling that it won't be as easy as that and I will be going back to fighting them. Hmm
Life today is as a Saturday should from stressors and just to have the ability to do whatever you may need to do. Then again, the mail hasn't shown up yet and the phone hasn't rung yet today so who knows could happen.
After the week I have had, don't blame me for being a little pessimistic.
I am feeling a little fibro-foggy today and in my own little world. Not quite feeling good but not quite feeling bad either. Does that make sense?
Sounds like a bed day or a couch day to me! Couch Potato

Friday, June 10, 2005

An end to the fight with the BIG MACHINE???

Well, I got a letter from the AG's office in Ohio and they said I should be receiving a refund. My thinking is that I will believe it when I see it.
What do you all think? Huh?
Well it is a humid 80 degrees in good old Massachusetts. As usual, we skipped spring and went on into summer. After 5 weekends of dank, raw weather, we are now into warm, sticky gross weather. Ah the joys of living in New England. Dismay

Enough with the fight with one machine I have to fight with another.....CVS! According to them I owe them money....over $300 to be exact. For some reason they seem to think I stopped payment on checks from 2003. I am in the process of getting it investigated by my old bank. A place I haven't used in years and it will cost me $20 to have it done. Will the fight ever end? I swear, eventhough I am on disability, fighting one piece of paperwork or another is a full-time job. Anyone else get that feeling?
Doesn't anyone understand that all this stress will cause me to have a fibro-flare??? Do they care? I guess it won't matter until I die, then my life insurance will kick in and my husband will be a wealthy man. Lol
In my next post of my blog I will try and promise to be more upbeat and have a sense of humor, like I usually am in life. But lately this place is the only place I can vent about the trials and tribulations of all the crap a Chronic Painer (AKA CPer from now on) has to deal with just to survive day today.
I guess this is what it is all about my life in blog form.Reading 2

Just as I write this there is a trial of a new drug to help Fibromyalgia. It is supposed to help with sleep and overall feeling.....all I can say is yeah right another new "wonder" drug. I roll my eyes until I see it happen. Cymbalta was supposed to be that drug, but it's not.
Okay enough.....I am going to stop writing now before I get too depressed about this.
See ya'll tomorrow!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

The worth of a good chiro!

After getting my appointment for my rheumy cancelled, I immediated called my chiro, who I haven't seen in years to see what he could do for me. It seems that while working out on the stair climber, my S-I joint slipped causing pain. Once he made some quick and small adjustments, my hip feels much better. I walk much better and the pain is almost non-existent.
Funny part is when I got home, I went right to bed and slept about 2 or 3 hours cold! Tired It suprised the daylights out of me! That is for sure. As for the rheumy, I have an appointment with him on Monday....I just hope that my Cymbalta (which I can't afford to buy and need samples) will be available. I just hope that the adjustment doesn't cause me much pain overnight. I will be seeing him again tomorow so we will see if my body held the adjustment. Luckily I am on Medicare and Medex (supplimental insurance) so I don't have to pay a dime for the appointments, so I can go as much as I need to.
Okay on to what you all have been waiting for.....the daily update on my fight with the BIG MACHINE! Well, my rep at the AG's office emailed me today letting me know that she got my message about being unable to contact the offices of this company and the email that I posted last night. It seems that she is also unable to contact these people as well. Hmmmm, interesting. I don't think that avoiding the AG's office is such a hot idea, do you all?
Well, considering the last few days, life has been uneventful today. I am sure something will get me up in the middle of the night and I will be writing by my bare lightbulb again! Laugh

A mighty good morning to you all!

Well, after a little more rest and a dose of 8 year old boy can really do that to you. I have to focus on my Rheumy appointment today. My hip really is concerning me and I need to get this figured out. So at 11 today I will try and get this looked at.
I am worried that arthritis is setting in, which is common in my family. If it is , I want to see the progression and how bad it will end up being.
So, now I have a new worry to add to the list.
Ah, the price to be a Chronic Painer! Annoyed And Disappointed

The one who wants to take over the world will be back to her regularly scheduled perch later today!
Army Woman

Well afterending such a nice post, I get a call from my Rheumy's office suddenly cancelling my appointment along with all other morning appointments.....its an "emergency" or so the NP said. Now I am really upset. I was supposed to get new Cymbalta samples and signatures on paperwork today. I am so disappointed. I just want to cry.

The Midnight Blogger is at it again!

Well, all of those people who have been keeping up on my fight with Pangea Investments AKA, here is the lastest kink the in the armor. I was checking my email tonight and I got the following:

From: "Customer Care" [Add to Address Book] [View Source]
Subject: Charges
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 22:05:18 +0000
Mrs. Hamm,

We are the processing company for multiple sites around the net. We were recently forwarded your inquiry and wanted to fill you in on the situation. It appears as if you signed up for two sites we process for:


With your account, you were billed $37.85 on March 24th, and then billed again for your 30-day recurring charge for $37.85. It appears as though the $37.85 rebill has been refunded. Because you are well beyond the 30 day window to initiate a refund, the initial $37.85 for this account cannot be refunded.

WIth your account, you were charged $29.95 on February 22nd. However, the bank that conducted your charge is no longer in a banking relationship with us. They are not willing to refund any of our customers. To obtain your $29.95 refund, please contact your credit card company to file a dispute / chargeback.

If you have any other questions, just let us know.

Customer Care
Notice I have been disputing since May 7 and they asked me to wait 5-12 business days for a refund. Then on May 27 I contacted the BBB of Ohio as well as the Attorney General of Ohio on this issue. I have emailed both my contacts this email and I don't know what will fly but it ain't gonna be pretty! Pissed
I also contacted a television station in Dayton called WKEF asking for their help with this.
Well if this company wanted a war over $55 they got a war! Ship Smiley Gun Helicopter
Tank 2
Automatic Weapon

Thank you for reading.Blowing Kisses Anybody got any infuential people they know over in the Dayton, Ohio area who could help me? Thanks I would appriciate it!
Now I gotta get to bed....gotta wake up to watch the neighbor kid again! I think I will need Jolt instead of Diet Coke today!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A day and three 20 oz diet cokes later

Well, I am feeling much better now, my manic period is over and boy am I tired. I better sleep tonight or else!
I have a rheumy appointment tomorrow and I want him to take a look at my right hip that has been bothering me for days now ever since I went for 15 minutes on the Stairclimber. I just hope it acts up so that he can see how much bothers me. Don't you hate it when you have a problem and just as the appointment to see the doctor comes up, the issue seems to go away? Is there a name for it?
All I know is I walk like Robert Duvall in the movie Open Range. Horseback RidingLike I just got off a horse. If I put too much pressure on my right leg just so, pain radiates up my to my right hip into my back.
Hopefully it kicks around until tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.

After a few hours sleep....

Well, I am up and about again. I am feeling a little bit better but no phone call yet from the guy I called in the middle of the night. Which may be a good thing....I was a little crazed.Nervous While there is nothing wrong with that normally, random phone calls to people that are heads of companies probably won't get the resuults I need, which is my money back. Insane
Yes I am going a little crazy with these smilies but they are sure fun and express how I feel, which is completely off the wall and angry. Soapbox And no I will not get off my soapbox!!! Too Funny
Anywho that is enough for the day unless something strange happens.
I need to get out of this apartment for a while, I think I am driving myself crazy between this whole getting my money back and trying to find a price for a Phantom of the Opera music box I have so I can sell it on eBay and not get screwed. So ugh!
I hope that everyone is having less of a manic day than I am......I feel a nap coming on with me expending all this energy

Okay I promise....the last one tonight!

Well, I am madder than a wet hen and it is 3:31 AM where I am right now and I have to be up at seven to see an 8 year old boy off to school tomorrow. Which you all know what that means, high energy and all your wits about you. I think I may be short on the wits tomorrow. Googly Eyes
The energy can come from your friend and mine Diet Coke, the drink of champions!Soda
Well, the last email I sent to the people actually came back saying that yes they were humans and people were there. So I sent a nice email thanking them for lettting me know and to let them know they didn't need to respond since I was so rude to assume they were automotons.
So, now that I have figured out how to put pictures and smilies in my blog and that I am all out of piss and vinegar, I am off to bed.
'Night everyone.Pillow

Well, it is official I am going off the deep end!!!

I just called the Head of Customer Care at this company and left a scathing message (now I didn't swear) I just felt like swearing a lot. But I did use a very forceful and angry voice telling him about how I am getting nowhere with the customer service department and so I am going to go higher up! His name is Greg Parson and if you want his is more than available if you all want it!
Yes, I realize that it is very late at night but this stuff just gets me so angry that I can't get my money back that I am spitting nails and I have to aim it at someone.
You know, I think I will call tomorrow at normal hours and see what comes up too. Maybe I can actually talk to a human being! Amazing what technology can do, erase the human denomination of any conversation!
I am off for my take over of the world.........Yes I know Pinky has already tried!

Why do I feel like I am a....

subversive writing mad letters to the government underneath a bare lightbulb???
It seems that at night is when I am at my most "perky" when it comes to these commie bastards who won't give me my money back!
Luckily I have one who is refunding me my $27, but the other, it seems like I get the same message from the same two "customer service" people, like it is a script or something. Maybe it is one big robot who answers emails and has limited capacity for thinking outside the box.
Speaking of outside the box......I think I may give this company a call. I do have their phone numbers and give them a piece of what is left of my mind.
Ugh! Why didn't I think of this before!!!!!
I will update you as soon as I get some type of a response. (Add evil doctor laugh here!)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I have had enough of stupid companies.....

that take advantage of people who need medications. Right now, I am having problems trying get money refunded by two companies who are refusing to do so even after I give the all the information they required.
One company charged me money I didn't authorize and caused me to have an insufficient funds fee, which I am trying to get back. They gave me the $9 with no problem but geeez, to ask them to fix a problem them made they want the name of your first born child.
The second company is the real winner. It is called Pangea Processing/Investments and ACE ONLINE LLC)....STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!! They tried to withdraw almost $40 after I cancelled my membership, which at the same time as this was happening, the other company did the same thing. So I incurred another $27 insufficient funds fee. So now I am battling this company to get the whole amount back plus my $27. Because they refused to give back just even the $40 after the time they alotted to me, I got in contact with the BBB in Ohio and the Attorney General in Ohio since their headquarters is in Ohio. I also contacted a couple of TV stations' consumer alert areas to let them know about this place.
I am just so angry about these two companies trying to get one over on someone who is on a limited budget peeves me so bad!
I honestly don't care if I get my money back, but I don't want this to happen to anyone else. I am on a mission and I refuse to give up!
So, please be careful of online companies that sound too good to be true!

Well back to the drawing board!

Yet, again I tried to be "normal" and ended up hurting myself in the process. Yesterday I went to the gym like normal and decided to try the stairclimbing machine. I did it for 5 minutes the day before so yesterday since I did so well, I thought 15 wouldn't hurt. Well, was I wrong!!!!!!
My right hip is killing me and from what I understand, the pressure of moving the stairs down the machine has caused the pain in my hip. The question is how exactly.
I have an appointment with my rheumy on Thursday and I am going to tell him about how pressing down is causing pain in my hip. Not a nerve pain, or a muscle pain, but a bone on bone pain. Does that make sense?
Now, I want to have X-Rays on this hip and new bloodwork done. Something just feels wrong with me and I want to know what exactly it is! This is what happens when you pay attention to your body too much.
Well, that is my update for now.....I can't wait until my appointment to figure out what the deal is.