Friday, June 24, 2005

Another day....another post

Good morning everyone!
My state of mind is much better but I am still worried about all my abnormal blood tests. Everyone says not to worry but I can't help it. I research things to the bone...that is my nature. Reading
Maybe in this vast world of the internet someone can help me.
Here are all my abnormal tests:
SED rate 52
C-Reactive Protein 8.5 down from 13
Alkaline Phosphotate 152 (normal range 20-140)
WBC 9.2
Every other blood and urine test is normal.
Now how can I not worry about tests like these when until only recently I have only heard of a couple of them. Huh? 2

I just wish I had my answers now. I hate waiting it is not my strong suit. Waiting

Thursday, June 23, 2005

The latest update

Well, here are the latest results.....
White Blood Cell count is up (9.2).
Alkaline phosphatase - a liver enzyme - is also elevated 152. Normal levels are anywhere from 20-140.
So it looks like more testing. My GP is out until Monday so they want him to see the results before anything happens. We will see next week how things go.
Not thrilled about the results but at least my kidneys are not involved.
I feel like I am sinking into this hole with no bottom with all these tests.

Update from Rheumy

Hi all. Sorry for not updating the Blog yesterday. It was a very hectic and rough day for me. Well, the good news about the appointment is that the blood tests is that I don't have Lupus. The bad news is that I may have something that is just as bad, something called vasculitis. Basically, vasculitis is an illness that causes an inflammation of the vascular system. Now depending on the type of blood vessels that are affected, is the name that is given to the illness. Now the rheumy stated in specific two illnesses Takayasu's Arteritis and Wegener's Granulomatosis.
Takayasu's Arteritis is a type of vasculitis that affects the aorta, its major branches to the extremeties and sometimes internal organs. It is also called the "pulseless illness" because people with this illness have a hard time getting their pulses taken because of the swelling of the blood vessels in their arms.
Wegener's Granulomatosis is a systemic disease that invloves the lungs, kidneys, upper respiratory tract and other organs. Symptoms include stuffy noses, sinus infections and other illnesses.
These are just quick definitions, they go on for pages and I won't subject you all to that unless you want to look these illnesses up for yourselves. I had more blood taken for tests for these illnesses and also had to give urine to see how much my kidneys are or are not involved with the inflammation. So basically it is more waiting, something I didn't want to do, but I guess I have to.
That is the latest. I just hope that the tests don't make me wait too much longer.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The cycle of Fibromyalgia Returns

Unfortunately I am still not feeling well. So this is going to be a very short entry. I have been sleeping for most of the day and eating is not one of my top ten things of doing, but I ate a cup of yougurt anyway. Blah! Sadly I Can't
Tomorrow is my Rheumy's appointment anyway, so maybe he can help me.
Anywho, it is back to bed for me.....I will update you all when I get back from my appointment.

OH! I almost forgot! I got my refund! I fought the BIG MACHINE and won! I just got the fee back not the NSF fee but some of a victory is better than none right?

Monday, June 20, 2005

The cycle of Fibromyalgia

I haven't been in this much pain in so long I forgot what it feels like. Even going to the bathroom is a chore. I am very tired because of my Dalmane but the pain is keeping me awake. It is all in my hips and going down my legs. I know it is my sciatica acting up but with my SED rate of 50 according to my tests last week who knows now. Walking and sitting is just agony. I have an appointment with my rheumy on Wednesday but I don't know how long the pain will last. I don't want to wake Todd because his first day of work is tomorrow and I want him to be fresh and rested. We only have one car and live in the boonies so no public transportation. I haven't felt this way in so long I forgot what it feels like. I can deal with the insomnia but the pain is just unbearable. I just want to cry I feel so bad. I am hurting so much I am shaking as well. I was hoping someone would be awake to chat with but it doesn't look that way.I just wanted to gripe about it to someone and since Todd is sleeping I didn't want to wake him up. As you can see I am on NO pain killers so I am doing it with what the docs will give me. This happens so rarely now that I forget how the pain feels. UGH.
I hope you all are getting a good night's sleep.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day everyone!

Well, I should have taken a Soma with me to the movies yesterday. My sciatica is acting up so this will be a very short and sweet post. The movie was great by the way!!!! I highly recommend! Raise The Roof 1
I also did something that I haven't done in almost a year now....talked to my dad. On another message board I belong to, a post made me feel the need to call my dad to wish him a Happy Father's Day. It was a short call because he was driving and on his cell, but the message got across and I think he appriciated it. Maybe I will call him another time when he isn't moving about, which isn't often. He's a busy guy!
Anyway, I got to get myself back to bed before my sciatica goes up through my spine again.
Happy Dad's Day to all you dads out there! Father's Day 5