Well, I had my doctor appointment yesterday and I would have posted but I had a hard time logging into my Blog for some reason last night.
So, I couldn't share my news any sooner.
I told my doc, that since Todd is going back to work, I can't rely on him anymore to do any of the housework that needs to be done like dishes, laundry and general picking up. I need to be able to do these things on my own now and the meds I am on at the moment do not give me that ability to do that.
So yes, I got on my soapbox and let him have it. I also told him I fell in the shower and that none of my meds are controlling that pain either. I also told him about the night of incontinence.....very embarrassed to tell him about it though.
I have stopped the Cymbalta because it wasn't working and I am also stopping the Neurontin for the same reason. Why spend the money on something that doesn't work?
So finally he agreed to help me. He wants me to go back on the Duragesic Patches, but I don't have medication insurance and these things cost starting at around $200 for only 5 patches, which is 10-15 days of medication. So for now I am on Darvocet-N 100's until I see my Rheumy in about a week and a half so we can find a long term solution. Any recommedations that you have that would fall between Vicodin and Duragesic would be helpful because I want to make a list of meds I would be willing to go on that are price worthy for me.
I also had X-Rays done of my chest and back to make sure that I haven't cracked any ribs or hurt anything. I didn't see anything then again I am not a Radiologist.
I also had to pee in a cup, which I hate doing. For guys giving a urine sample is such an easy thing, but for women it is a course in navigation....blind navigation to boot!
On Monday, I get to see my Fibromyalgia Specialist, who I haven't seen in 18 months. His name is Dr. Don Goldenberg. Anyone who is up on their Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue literature, should be familiar with his name. He is a good guy and he may be able to help me with a couple of things as well. I only see him every two years or so to see how I am progressing and to help my regular docs with my Fibromyalgia care. He can recommend a path of treatment that they may have never thought of or heard of before. He is mainly a researcher and author for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue (I have one of his books), but he does see patients only as a specialist and not as a doc you would see on a regular basis. My husband, who has met him, thinks he is a quack, but knowing how Rheumys work, I trust him with any recommendations he may have.
Well, life beyond that has been a little hectic this week for me. Between carting Todd back and forth to work 40 minutes each way so I can have my car for doctor appointments Wednesday and Thursday and getting all the paperwork ready so that Todd can pickup his car, I am a little tired. Luckily Todd gets his car this afternoon after he gets out of work and I finally get my car back!
So while Todd is at work, I will take my Darvocet and relax, watch crappy TV and possibly take a nap. I have already cleaned the bathroom a little because today was the first day I could lift my shoulders above my head for longer that a quick washing of my hair in the shower, so my doing the dishes energy and shaving my legs energy is gone for the day. While I do have a little energy because of the Darvocet, I still don't know for sure if I have to be careful with the whole ribs thing.
Well, that is all for now.....it seems like I wrote alot but since I wasn't able to log on when I wanted...there was quite a bit to share.
This blog is all about sharing....the bad and the good. I hope that gives you all, my dear readers, some relief that there can be some good mixed in with the bad of CP.